The very first vertebrae at the top of your spine is known as C1, as in Cervical 1. It is a…
‘Tis the season for decorating (and undecorating) your home and wrapping presents, and with that comes the potential for injuries.…
Happy Thanksgiving! ‘Tis the season to be busy: shopping, entertaining, probably overeating with friends and family. You may also be…
A lot of our patients have had either knee or hip replacement surgery, or surgeries. The rest of us may…
….if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. A recent study published in the Journal of Aging sheds a little new…
As we age, drinking adequate amounts of water becomes increasingly important. Adults 60 and older are at a greater risk…
It’s no mystery that stretching your muscles, tendons, ligament and joints is a very good idea. The list of benefits…
Wow, another year is disappearing in the rear view mirror and Thanksgiving is almost here. I like to count my blessings all year long and I know what I’m thankful for. Although I’m unmarried and childless, I have a very large, cool family. I have a slew of wonderful friends and neighbors. I live where I’ve always wanted to, and I practice in a place I dreamed about.
“The problem with quotes taken from the internet is that you can never be certain that they are authentic.”~ Abraham Lincoln…
Living where we do, the encounters with the famed Blue Angels flight team are common, yet awe-inspiring every time. For…