Giving Thanks

Wow, another year is disappearing in the rear view mirror and Thanksgiving is almost here. I like to count my blessings all year long and I know what I’m thankful for. Although I’m unmarried and childless, I have a very large, cool family. I have a slew of wonderful friends and neighbors. I live where I’ve always wanted to, and I practice in a place I dreamed about.

I’ll tell you this, every day within this practice I see something I’ve never seen, hear something I’ve never heard, feel things I’ve never felt, and learn something I didn’t know. My average patient in this office is VERY active and around 60 years old. I see a lot of people, and that equals an ENORMOUS amount of life experience walking through the door. Everyone has a story to tell.

Within some families, I treat three generations. I treat doctors, lawyers, cleaners, farmers, accountants, knife sharpeners, mental health professionals, teachers, cops, firemen, administrators, chefs, servers, electricians, plumbers, heat and air guys, contractors, landscapers, stay at home moms, entrepreneurs, world record holders, artists, poets, authors, roofers, linemen, umpires, coaches, sailors, marathoners, golfers, cyclists, fishermen, hunters, surveyors, painters, carpenters, handymen, pilots, fighter pilots, stylists, inventors, gemologists, pet sitters, pet owners, pet breeders, pet doctors, salesmen, consultants, realtors and all levels of military ranks, titles and accomplishments.

As varied as my patient base is, the scope of this practice is fairly narrow: to help you function at the highest level you reasonably can. It’s not so much changing your life as it is about adding to it, as you have added to mine. Thank you.

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Stay well adjusted,

Dr. Dan Kammer