The very first vertebrae at the top of your spine is known as C1, as in Cervical 1. It is a…
Do you ever feel like you have gravel in your neck or maybe one of your knees? The word of…
As you have undoubtedly noticed, episodes of dizziness, balance-related conditions and vertigo increase with age. These are among the most…
There are 63 muscles attached directly to the spine! If you put one hand at the base of your skull…
If you’ve had x-rays or an MRI of your spine you may have seen or heard the words Degenerative Disc…
A whatamahuh headache? A cervicogenic headache is a steady, non-throbbing pain at the back and base of the skull, sometimes extending downward into…
Behind low back pain and neck pain, headaches are the next most common complaint in chiropractic offices. That’s a lot of headaches! As you may have experienced, there are many different types of headaches and they are often very difficult to describe–but you know it when you’ve got it, right?
When you look down, like most of you reading this, your neck is in flexion. When you look up your neck…