‘Tis the Season…

‘Tis the season for decorating (and undecorating) your home and wrapping presents, and with that comes the potential for injuries. Here are a few tips to help you avoid seeing me during the Christmas season:

  • Ladders are always a bad idea for most of us - hire someone who hangs house lights as a profession.
  • I see more “pulling” than “lifting” injuries. Be careful with those heavy totes under the bed or in the closet or attic - use your knees instead of your back when lifting.
  • Avoid excess twisting by placing your body in alignment to the item you are hanging or retrieving.
  • Don’t get in a hurry, pace yourself! Take frequent breaks and have a cup of hot cocoa.
  • Wear appropriate footwear in case something falls.
  • Wrap gifts at a table or work station and not on the floor.
  • If it’s heavy, ask for help.
  • Get extra sleep (or take naps!) whenever you can. Well-rested people are less likely to cause injury to themselves or others.
  • Stuff is hard enough - but it’s even harder with a hangover. Make good choices, and don’t drink and drive.

From my staff and me, Merry Christmas and may God Bless You and Your Family!

Please note that after almost four years of keeping my fees stable during inflationary times, there will be some slight fee increases at the beginning of the year.

Also, if you enjoy Holiday lights, go check out the beautiful decorations provided by the leadership of the Lillian Recreational Park– you won’t be disappointed!


Stay well adjusted,

Dr. Dan Kammer