Politics + Public Health Policy = Catastrophe

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I’m thankful for the community I serve and there is no place else I’d rather practice–that’s a helluva gift.

One thing we have learned this year for sure is this: POLITICS + PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY = CATASTROPHE.  Unfortunately we have also learned that “experts” have agendas. When I hear a health care “expert” NEVER mention diet and exercise, I immediately question their expertise. The inconsistent messaging leaves us all very confused and I seem to have more questions than answers every time an “expert” speaks.

You’ve probably heard me say, “You are your own doctor, everyday”. I trust my patients to make health related decisions that are best for them. Do your homework, make a decision and move forward as best you can. You are your “expert”.

Have a wonderful holiday season, go look at some Christmas lights like the beautiful display at the Lillian Recreation Park, and enjoy your friends and family.


Dr. Dan Kammer, D.C.