In spite of warnings from the CDC and the FDA, I have never had a flu shot, and, at great personal risk, I have eaten raw cookie dough. These are educated choices I’ve made and, fortunately, I have no ill effects.
With that, we all know to be mindful of what we put in our bodies. But, what about prescription drug reactions, interactions, and contraindications? I’ve seen too many lately. is a free, no-spam website to help you research the reactions, interactions, and contraindications of your medications and supplements. It is easy to use and the information is invaluable. You may be amazed to find your doctor is prescribing medications that should not be combined. There is also an option to receive email alerts in the event of a recall related to one of your medications. Whether you create a free account or use it anonymously, I highly recommend for researching your medications, not that you need another thing to do this time of year.
The holidays are often stressful times: looking for the perfect gift, not having enough time to do all you need to, not enough money. It’s important to take time for YOU this season: a hot bath, a quiet meditation, reading a fun book, or whatever makes you happy and brings you peace.
I wish you and yours a joyous and peaceful Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.
Stay well adjusted,
Dr. Dan