After Hurricane Sally, amidst piles of debris, downed trees and no electricity, patients would navigate their way to the office and find me cleaning up and ask, “Do you have time for an adjustment?”. As it turned out, I could see patients without electricity because I had a file cabinet and an adjusting table.
I was amused at how archaic it seemed.
Well, the office is a little more electricity dependent now. You’ll notice a couple of changes going forward:
One, you will need to check-in at your next visit at the front desk on a small computer tablet. You will be given a password to sign-in and then you’ll be asked to answer a few questions about your current condition– it will help me help you, and we have already noticed it gives me a little more hands-on time with you. We will be right next to you if you have any problems or questions
Two, the text message reminders you receive will look a little different and they will originate from the office phone number.
We have had one or two snafus since initiating the new system, so if your appointment text reminder looks wrong to you, feel free to call the office to confirm.
We appreciate you being a patient!
Stay well adjusted,
Dr. Dan Kammer